Are penises getting smaller?

by Federico Bordon

It is true that we live in a culture that places too much importance on penis size. It is understandable in this context that many people are concerned about this issue. Regarding the possibility of penis shrinkage, this may be real.

In another post, we answered a question from one of our users who wondered if his penis was too small and what a normal size penis is. So yes, penis size matters for a lot for penis owners and can be a source of questions and doubts.

But what is penis shrinkage? Are penises getting smaller? Yes and no. It could be a condition known as penile shrinkage or penile atrophy. At this point, you are probably wondering the possible causes of penile shrinkage and what, if anything, can be done about it.

And, if you haven’t experienced penis shrinkage, but want to make sure you won’t, I’ll share with you below some preventative measures to ensure penis health and length, and of course, your sexual well-being.

Are penises getting smaller?

Penile shrinkage, also known as penile atrophy, is a very real condition that some people, not all, have to deal with as they age.

But permanent loss of penile length, often may not have to do with physiological aging, but the result of some situations and conditions we’ll look at below.

Penis shrinkage can be scary for some people, because there is simply no good solution to such a concern after it occurs. But the interesting thing is that in some cases, penile atrophy can be prevented before it starts.

How do I check if my penis has decreased in size?

Eggplant depicting a penis with a measure tape

Before worrying in advance, take a look at the size of your penis. To get a good idea, you should measure it when you are standing with your penis erect.

Use an easily accessible reference, such as your hand, fingers, a ruler, or the distance to your navel, to make a periodic comparison.

Self-knowledge is essential, but in case you are concerned about the quality of your erection or the size of your penis, I advise you to seek professional help for a more assertive accompaniment.

My penis shrinks a lot when it is not erect

Many people worry that the size of their penis varies a lot between erection and flaccidity. This is not a problem or a defect, it is simply how some penises tend to behave, not only in humans, but in many animals. Other penises, on the other hand, tend not to retract as much.

Exposure to cold is one other factor that can cause the penis to temporarily shrink. This is a natural response to maintain optimal body temperature.

Federico Bordón

When we are exposed to low temperatures, blood vessels in the skin and tissues constrict and can make the penis appear smaller. However, once exposure to cold ceases, the penis will regain its usual size.

Now let’s take a look at the exact causes of penis shrinkage, whether it can be treated and what science says about preventing this condition.

Conditions that may cause penile shrinkage

There are certain medical conditions and other factors such as aging that can contribute to progressive penile shrinkage.

Obesity – Overweight

In overweight people, an accumulation of fat in the lower abdomen can make the penis appear smaller because the penis is attached to the abdominal wall and, as the abdomen grows, it pulls the penis inward. Being overweight or obese is also associated with poor blood flow to the penis, which may contribute to the inability to obtain or maintain rigidity.

Increased body fat also increases estrogen levels, and this can influence the regeneration and growth of smooth muscle cells in the penis, contributing to penile shrinkage.

Federico Bordón

Stress or emotional tension

Tension or stress can trigger contraction of the muscles in the genital area, which can affect the appearance of the penis, as contracted muscles make the member appear smaller or retracted. In addition, stress can affect self-image and body perception, which can lead to a perception of a smaller penis.

Once stress levels are reduced, the muscles in the genital area relax and penile size returns to its usual state.

Peyronie’s disease

Peyronie’s disease is a condition affecting some men, specially when they get old. Peyronie’s disease causes the formation of scar tissue in the penis can cause a curvature and possibly a reduction in penis size during erection.


Over time, poorly controlled blood sugar levels can impair blood vessels and nerves in the penis, decreasing erectile capacity and contributing to atrophy of erectile tissue.

Diseases of the heart or blood vessels

Conditions such as high blood pressure and high blood lipids can affect blood flow, resulting in a decrease in the size and quality of erections. Smoking, and even some medications, can also alter blood flow to the penis. If you are using a medication that causes you to have difficulty getting an erection or notice penile shrinkage, talk to your healthcare team to discuss other treatment options.

Neurological disorders

Some conditions, such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease, can affect the nerve circuits of the penis, decreasing its size and the quality of erections.


Aging can lead to a gradual decrease in testosterone levels, as well as changes in the tissues and blood vessels of the penis, which can result in shrinkage.

Prostate cancer treatment

The methods to treat prostate cancer are highly connected to side effects such as erection problems, fibrosis and reduction of penis size.

Treatment of erection difficulties

The continuous use of remedies and injections to stimulate erection usually cause side effects that form scars on the penis, and can evolve into plaques of fibrosis. These plaques can cause not only reduction, but also penile curvature and penile thinning.

Healthy habits that help prevent penis shrinkage

I insist on self-awareness of our bodies, to detect early any changes that catch our attention.

Even paying frequent attention to erections to know if your penis is receiving adequate blood flow. In addition, I recommend the following habits that you can incorporate into your life that can help in the prevention of penis shrinkage, as well as improve your overall health.

  • Frequent sexual activity, self-stimulation or with others, which can help prevent your penis from shrinking by promoting blood circulation in the penis.
  • Avoiding tight underwear and pants, as they can restrict blood flow and over time contribute to penis shrinkage.
  • Weight reduction in the face of overweight or obesity. Weight loss can improve blood circulation below the waist.
  • Exercise regularly, especially aerobic activities, which promote blood circulation throughout the body.
  • Balanced diet, reducing sugar intake and avoiding processed foods.
  • Avoiding or giving up smoking.
  • Finally, good sleep and rest.

Does penis size matter?

While all the social and cultural images and representations that gave rise to this question are being deconstructed, penis size is an issue that continues to generate debate in the realm of sexualities, and concerns many people. The belief that with a larger penis comes greater benefits is held by many people, probably based on PORN. In truth, nothing is further from the truth than pornography.

More important than penis size, is how we do or do not bring our genitality into play in sexual practices, keeping in mind that we can reconfigure the way we bond sexually.

Perhaps the real challenge lies in being able to build our own erotic map, identifying what generates pleasure, recognizing the areas of our body most sensitive to sexual stimuli, and which are the sexual practices we enjoy, which implies rethinking the enormous value we give to penetration, in order to live a healthier, freer and more pleasurable sexuality.

Neither the penis is the most important thing in a sexual relationship, nor penetration is the only way to enjoy.

Even so, many people suffer consequences for considering that their penis is small, or that it is incapable of generating pleasure. If you have any difficulty that prevents you from enjoying your sexuality, do not hesitate to ask for professional assistance.

Written by:

Federico Bordón is a specialist in general and family medicine, clinical and educational sexology. He is also teaching coordinator in the postgraduate course in general and family medicine for the National University of Rosario. He is based in Santa Fe (Argentina). You can also find Federico on LinkedIn and Instagram. site logo

The Pleasure Keys is the number one website focused on men's sexual well-being. It is founded by Joe Nathan, the author of The Master Key.

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